Raid Guild Contributors v0

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 09 Nov 2023 00:00 to 30 Nov 2023 00:00 (UTC).
DAI 2500
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$1000 DAI
Matching Cap
Total Donors
30 Nov 2023 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
build things, mentor, lead sync coordination
Donor amount: $201.82
Match amount: $351.36
28 contributions
Created and migrated a DAO to V3, facilitated decision-making by providing alternative perspectives, and integrated disparate repositories to streamline project coordination.
Donor amount: $190.81
Match amount: $328.47
29 contributions
Saimano here, from Raidguild.
Donor amount: $200.84
Match amount: $302.69
27 contributions
ECWireless | RaidGuild
Developed Discord bots and participated in raids since October 2020 with a history of contributions detailed at a specific URL.
Donor amount: $154.90
Match amount: $311.84
35 contributions
ApeironCreations Rogue Work for RaidGuild
Collaborative online project focusing on expanding a virtual 'Infinite Garden', combating negative forces, incentivizing positive actions, and creating sustainable systems in a web3 environment.
Donor amount: $143.71
Match amount: $260.28
34 contributions
tae kekz
tae kekz at your service
Donor amount: $157.06
Match amount: $227.91
31 contributions
Derrek, The Loud
Revamping Smart Invoice tool for grants and growing a hackathon community to engage with sponsors' technology, with a focus on open-source development and community building.
Donor amount: $108.89
Match amount: $244.05
32 contributions
Christina, BorrowLucid
Invitation to join the fight against greed and self-interest, seeking collaborative, empathetic individuals to build a community of support and resistance.
Donor amount: $160.41
Match amount: $189.59
18 contributions
Client appreciates Raid Guild's METAL Vibes shirt and values the collaborative relationship and insightful feedback which enhances project development.
Donor amount: $127.19
Match amount: $177.95
25 contributions
Nitegeist 🧿
the silent builder.
Donor amount: $151.25
Match amount: $102.43
13 contributions