ReFi Lisboa — a regenerative startup society in a top web3 city

ReFi Lisboa — a regenerative startup society in a top web3 city

ReFi Lisboa aims to foster a regenerative startup ecosystem in Lisbon through technology, art, and economics, with a key event in November to unite local and global sustainable leaders.
Applied on: 14 Aug 2023 05:49 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:14 AM
NEW NODES must apply via:
The provided information does not specify whether ReFi Lisboa has applied through the required link for new nodes, thus the evaluation cannot be conclusively determined without additional verification of the application process.
EXISTING NODES must prove impact:
ReFi Lisboa has demonstrated proof of impact by hosting 10 events, reaching over 700 leaders, and developing a directory app for their regenerative society in Lisbon, which indicates they have met the criteria for proving impact as an existing node.
Be led by two or more founders
The project team includes multiple individuals with leadership roles such as Emilie Viallon and John Ellison among others, indicating compliance with the requirement of being led by two or more founders.
Founders must make a 3-5 year commitment to regeneration in their city
While ReFi Lisboa exhibits a long-term vision, there is no explicit mention of a specific 3-5 year commitment from the founders to regeneration in their city within the provided information, thus the evaluation cannot be conclusively determined.
Demonstrate a clear and compelling vision for regenerating their city
ReFi Lisboa has articulated a comprehensive vision to integrate regenerative technology, culture, and economics to regenerate Lisbon, thus meeting the requirement for a clear and compelling vision.
Be able to identify key local leaders across public, private, and third sectors
The project's past events and objectives imply successful identification and engagement with key leaders across public, private, and third sectors, achieving the criterion.
Be able to gather support from advisors across web3, climate, and social justice
With advisors from various disciplines, including regenerative project development and regenerative real estate, ReFi Lisboa meets the requirement for gathering support across relevant areas.
Demonstrate event organizing and community building competence
The project has successfully organized multiple events and community initiatives, showcasing a strong competency in the areas of event organizing and community building.
Receive match funding in cUSD via a Celo multi-sig with at least one signer performing KYC
The finances section mentions the use of a multi-sig on Ethereum and an Open Collective account for fund management, indicating a framework for receiving match funding in cUSD, although the KYC detail is not explicitly confirmed.