ReFi Lisboa — a regenerative startup society in a top web3 city

$412.80 crowdfunded from 67 people

$326.89 received from matching pools

average score over 5 application evaluations
ReFi Lisboa aims to foster a regenerative startup ecosystem in Lisbon through technology, art, and economics, with a key event in November to unite local and global sustainable leaders.

As a part of an evolving network of coordiNATIONs, ReFi Lisboa is cultivating a regenerative startup society in one of Europe’s top web3 cities here in Lisbon, Portugal. Based on the core belief that we need to heal the world within in order to heal the world around us, we are bringing together regenerative technology, art, music, design, and economics to create a new culture in the capital of this beautiful country here in Portugal.

In November, we’ll host the inaugural gathering of regenerative startup societies—bringing key local and international leaders together to explore how we can fulfill a single unifying mission:

Regenerate the earth using the most powerful tools of our time.


ReFi Annual Meeting — Gathering of Regen CoordiNATIONs

After hosting 10 events and reaching over 700 leaders across public, private, and third-sector institutions, we’re taking our next step forward by hosting the ReFi Annual Meeting and inviting local and global leaders of regenerative coordiNATIONS to gather for the first ‘Davos of ReFi’ on Nov 6-7 in a prestigious city center location on the day after ETHLisbon.


Gitcoin GG18 ambitions

We are aiming to raise $7500 in GG18 to continue to onboard talent and capital into the regenerative economy via web3 rails. This funding will be spread across three key initiatives:

  • Monthly events (x3): $3000
  • Community & growth: $4200
  • Onboarding stations: $300

Total: $7500


Recap from Gitcoin Beta

Thanks to the $3680 we received from Gitcoin Beta along with support from Celo, Polygon and DFINITY, we’ve been able to host 5 events, reaching over 328 leaders across web3, finance and impact. In partnership with African Data Tech and Positive Blockchain we seeded an initial directory app of the key people and projects of the regenerative society in Lisbon through an integration with We also hosted our first Gitcoin Activation Station and created an open source guide as apart of the ReFi DAO Local Node Toolkit!

Our vision

We aim to balance the power of technology with conscious awareness by establishing a physical network of regenerative leaders and spaces across various sectors and problem areas. We are bringing together public, private, and third-sector institutions, as well as thought leaders in environmental, ecological, social, and cultural domains.

We see ourselves as an accelerator for the regenerative economy embedded within existing institutions to help them harness the power of regeneration and work towards a prosperous future for all.


Meet the team

  • Emilie Viallon - People Lead & Events
  • John Ellison — Source Steward
  • Laura Malta — Events & Community Lead
  • Susanne Zapelão — Marketing
  • Rica Amaral — Partnerships & Events
  • Emiliano Gutiérrez - Product


  • Carolina Carvalho — Ecosystem Mapping
  • Eduardo Marques — Strategy & Partnerships
  • Tariq El Haj Omar — Regenerative Project Development
  • River Roberts — Regenerative Real Estate

Technology is key

We believe that technology encompasses not only hardware and software, but also the incredible low-tech solutions that have existed for millennia, such as meditation, yoga, breath work, plants, and various forms of medicine.

Join us. 🙏🏼

2023 OKRs 🗓

For the next 6 months, we want to achieve the following:

  1. Identify 2-3 land-based regenerative projects as a pilot for project development 🏜
  2. Release a hard-copy of ‘Lisboa Regenerativa’ and distribute it to 10,000 Lisboetas and tourists via local shops, cafes, restaurants, and tour providers 📔
  3. Announce a formal partnership with NOVA University, the University of Lisbon, and the City of Lisbon Municipality—hosting our first event together 🏫
  4. Host three volunteer days serving homeless, orphans, and refugees as a community. 🥗👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
  5. Spread the story of regeneration. ♥️☀️🤗

plsd_prw-87.jpg 🐑 We love sheep... who doesn't?


As of today, all funds are managed by a multi-sig on Ethereum and an Open Collective account thanks to support from all4climate!

Every DAI counts!

Whether you're based in Lisbon permanently or just plan on swinging through, we'd be incredibly grateful to receive your support in GG18!

See you on the other side Regen! 🤙

ReFi Lisboa — a regenerative startup society in a top web3 city History

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