Save Lives Fund

Save Lives Fund

A charity fund supporting interventions against preventable diseases like malaria, providing donations to six organizations focused on saving the lives of children globally.
Applied on: 22 Nov 2023 06:38 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 02:24 PM
The Life You Can Save's cause funds support outstanding nonprofits that fight global poverty.
The provided description of the 'Save Lives Fund' indicates it supports organizations that target diseases which disproportionately affect the global poor, aligning with the mission to fight global poverty.
Project name
The project name 'Save Lives Fund' is clearly identified, linked to 'The Life You Can Save' cause funds, and provided in the evaluation information.
Project website
The project website is provided and is functioning, offering more information about the fund and its supported charities.
Project description
The project description is thorough, explaining the fund's focus on preventable diseases and the specific charities involved.
US donors who would like to receive a tax-receipt for their donation should email prior to giving, and include the amount of their donation and the wallet address it will be coming from in the message.
This criteria seems more like additional information for donors rather than an eligibility criterion for inclusion in 'The Life You Can Save' Gitcoin round.
Project Twitter
The project has provided a Twitter handle which directs to a valid and relevant account associated with the organization.
Project Github
The evaluation information indicates 'N/A' for Project Github, this could mean there is no associated Github account or it was not applicable for this specific fund.
User Github
Similarly to 'Project Github', the score is 'Uncertain' as 'N/A' is provided in the evaluation information; the relevance or existence of a user Github is unclear.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months):
Since 'Project Github' and 'User Github' were provided as N/A, there is no Github repository to assess for recent activity, making this criterion non-applicable.