The Life You Can Save

Ran on the Mainnet blockchain from 01 Dec 2023 00:00 to 31 Dec 2023 23:59 (UTC).
DAI 25000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
31 Dec 2023 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Tackle Climate Change Fund
The Tackle Climate Change Fund allocates donations to top organizations fighting climate change, focusing on policy advocacy to prevent global climate-induced devastation and poverty.
Donor amount: $6307.58
Save a Life Fund
A fund focusing on saving lives by supporting charities that combat preventable diseases like malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia, which disproportionally affect children under 5 in underdeveloped regions.
Donor amount: $4375.93
Help Women and Girls Fund
The fund aids women and girls living in extreme poverty by supporting five charities focused on reshaping gender norms, promoting safety, and improving health care access.
Donor amount: $3692.81
Education for All Fund
A fund prioritizing education to improve children's opportunities, focusing on girls' enrollment and student learning outcomes, split between two nonprofits. US donors can get tax receipts.
Donor amount: $1876.28
Create Economic Opportunity Fund
Donors fund economic opportunities to combat extreme poverty by supporting GiveDirectly, One Acre Fund, and Village Enterprise, fostering financial security and sustainable equality. Contact for US tax-receipts.
Donor amount: $1235.88
Transform Lives Fund
A fund supporting six charities focused on preventing blindness, malnutrition, and improving healthcare, offering tax receipts for US donors.
Donor amount: $1041.74
MinD Hackathon: Men in Danger. Empower volunteers & civilians.
Hosting a hackathon focused on developing IT solutions for disaster relief, with mentorship, prizes, and financial support for teams and mentors in areas including cybersecurity, secure data, and education tech.
Save Lives Fund
A charity fund supporting interventions against preventable diseases like malaria, providing donations to six organizations focused on saving the lives of children globally.
Salaries Science
Create a decentralized grant system for basic science and software projects, ensuring proper funding and visibility while improving peer review through donor participation, using DFINITY Internet Computer and a browser extension.
WUW Whatever You Want
SocialFi and Quest app for NPOs, DAOs, and content creators to manage projects, receive donations, enable gamification, and create proposals, with a focus on transparency and multichain compatibility.