Save a Life Fund

Save a Life Fund

A fund focusing on saving lives by supporting charities that combat preventable diseases like malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia, which disproportionally affect children under 5 in underdeveloped regions.
Applied on: 27 Nov 2023 08:03 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 02:26 PM
The Life You Can Save's cause funds support outstanding nonprofits that fight global poverty.
The Save a Life Fund targets interventions for preventable diseases in populations affected by poverty, aligning with criteria to fight global poverty.
The Life You Can Save round has an overarching set of evaluation criteria of: The Life You Can Save's cause funds support outstanding nonprofits that fight global poverty.
By focusing on preventing diseases through contributions to several charities, the Save a Life Fund qualifies as supporting outstanding nonprofits fighting global poverty.
US donors who would like to receive a tax-receipt for their donation should email prior to giving, and include the amount of their donation and the wallet address it will be coming from in the message.
This criterion does not seem to align with a project's eligibility for inclusion in the Gitcoin round but rather with specifics of donation processing for US donors.
The Save a Life Fund currently splits donations between six outstanding charities: Against Malaria Foundation, Development Media International, Helen Keller International, Living Goods, Malaria Consortium, and New Incentives.
The involvement with multiple charities that focus on life-saving interventions addresses the criterion for supporting outstanding nonprofits combating global poverty.
Project Github: N/A
The absence of a GitHub link implies we cannot assess the project based on GitHub activities, which may or may not be a defining eligibility requirement for this Gitcoin round.
User Github: N/A
The absence of any user GitHub information implies we have insufficient data on the project's technical or developmental aspects, which does not directly impact the evaluation of the project's alignment with the Gitcoin round criteria.