Save a Life Fund

$4,375.93 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
A fund focusing on saving lives by supporting charities that combat preventable diseases like malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia, which disproportionally affect children under 5 in underdeveloped regions.

This fund is designed for donors who want to support interventions that have the demonstrated ability to actually save lives. Diseases that are preventable or treatable in the “developed” world like malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia are targeted by the charities that this fund includes. Imagine if your child was one of the 14,000 children under 5 that dies each day of one of these preventable illnesses. You can save more lives than any superhero ever did!

The Save a Life Fund currently splits donations between six outstanding charities: Against Malaria Foundation, Development Media International, Helen Keller International, Living Goods, Malaria Consortium, and New Incentives. Visit our website to learn more about the work these organizations do.

US donors who would like to receive a tax-receipt for their donation should email prior to giving, and include the amount of their donation and the wallet address it will be coming from in the message.

Save a Life Fund History

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