Salaries Science

Salaries Science

Create a decentralized grant system for basic science and software projects, ensuring proper funding and visibility while improving peer review through donor participation, using DFINITY Internet Computer and a browser extension.
Applied on: 23 Nov 2023 09:06 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 30 Jan 2024 03:36 PM
The Life You Can Save's cause funds support outstanding nonprofits that fight global poverty.
While the project claims to help 'fight global poverty' by offering career paths in science to individuals without a university degree, it is not clear how effectively it would achieve this or how this aligns with The Life You Can Save's focus on outstanding nonprofits with a proven track record of fighting global poverty.
Project directly contributes to or supports interventions in areas such as health, education, empowerment, or income generation.
The project's main focus is to unblock science from mis-publication and provide grants to underfinanced scientific projects. There's no direct mention of interventions in areas such as health, education, empowerment, or income generation.
Project has a measurable and potentially significant impact on the lives of the poor in low-income countries.
The project's impact on the lives of the poor in low-income countries is not directly measurable from the provided description. There is potential for impact through supporting scientific research, but it's not explicitly tied to poverty alleviation in low-income countries.
Project utilizes an evidence-based approach in its design and implementation, using best practices to maximize effectiveness.
There is no concrete evidence provided that the project's design and implementation are based on best practices or evidence-based approaches, particularly in the context of fighting global poverty.
Project is cost-effective, with a strong track record or a plausible path to achieving high cost-effectiveness in its poverty-alleviation efforts.
The project description does not provide sufficient information on cost-effectiveness or evidence of a strong track record/plausible path specific to poverty-alleviation efforts.
Project is scalable or replicable, with potential for significant growth or influence in the field of poverty alleviation.
The concept described seems more focused on the scientific community and free software support rather than being directly scalable or replicable in the field of poverty alleviation itself.
Project provides proof of regular auditing, transparent reporting, and accountability practices.
No information on auditing, transparent reporting, or accountability practices has been provided.
Project is run by or partners with organizations that have a strong track record in poverty alleviation.
While the project is associated with World Science DAO and Victor Porton's Foundation, there is no evidence provided of a strong track record in poverty alleviation by these organizations.
Project demonstrates strong community involvement or seeks to engage the local community in decision making and implementation.
There is no mention of engaging the local community in decision-making or implementation in the project description.
Project has an approach that is inclusive and non-discriminatory in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, and geography.
The project does not appear to discriminate and aims to be open and supportive to all scientific projects, potentially including efforts globally.
Project adheres to the principles of Effective Altruism, seeking to do the most good in the most efficient way possible.
The principles of Effective Altruism are broad and the project's description suggests an alignment with some of these principles, such as focusing on underfunded areas, but it lacks quantitative evidence or a clear alignment with the most efficient way of doing the most good specifically in the context of poverty alleviation.