Help Women and Girls Fund

Help Women and Girls Fund

The fund aids women and girls living in extreme poverty by supporting five charities focused on reshaping gender norms, promoting safety, and improving health care access.
Applied on: 27 Nov 2023 07:53 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 30 Jan 2024 03:37 PM
The Life You Can Save's cause funds support outstanding nonprofits that fight global poverty.
The 'Help Women and Girls Fund' is dedicated to alleviating the burden on women and girls in extreme poverty by supporting non-profits focused on reshaping gender norms, promoting inclusion and safety, and increasing access to healthcare services.
The project is a nonprofit.
The project falls under 'The Life You Can Save', which is a known nonprofit organization, and the fund distributes donations to other nonprofit charities.
The project has a clear mission statement that includes fighting global poverty.
The project's description clearly states its mission to help women and girls among people living in extreme poverty, which is directly aligned with fighting global poverty.
The project is active and clearly making progress on their stated goals.
The project actively splits donations between five charities with records of supporting women and girls, indicating progress towards their goals.
The project has transparent financials and shows how funds are used.
The website likely provides information on how funds are split between the charities, which suggests transparency. However, detailed financials weren't reviewed here.
The project has a record of effective interventions.
The project supports recognized charities with a history of effective work in their respective fields of women's support and empowerment.
The project has a website with information about their activities.
The project provided a website URL that describes their mission and activities.
The project has social media presence where they provide updates.
The project provided a Twitter handle which is assumed to be active and offer updates.
The project has clear mechanisms for impact assessment.
While the project supports effective charities, it is unclear if there is a direct mechanism on the project-level for assessing impact. Further information would be needed.
The project has been endorsed by experts in the field.
There's no information provided about endorsements by experts in the field, so this cannot be determined without more data.
The project must not be listed on any official sanctions list.
It is assumed that a known nonprofit like 'The Life You Can Save' and its associated funds are not on official sanctions lists, though this hasn't been verified in this evaluation.
The project must have been running for at least one year.
Given the established reputation of 'The Life You Can Save', it is reasonable to infer that this project has been running for at least one year.
The project must show evidence of some community support.
Given that the fund supports established charities and the nature of 'The Life You Can Save' which involves community donations, it can be inferred that there is community support.
The project Github repository must have recent activity.
Project Github is not applicable as it has not been provided and thus cannot have recent activity; the project might not involve software development.