Create Economic Opportunity Fund

Create Economic Opportunity Fund

Donors fund economic opportunities to combat extreme poverty by supporting GiveDirectly, One Acre Fund, and Village Enterprise, fostering financial security and sustainable equality. Contact for US tax-receipts.
Applied on: 27 Nov 2023 07:56 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 02:24 PM
The Life You Can Save's cause funds support outstanding nonprofits that fight global poverty.
The Create Economic Opportunity Fund focuses on supporting nonprofits that create economic opportunities to help people break the cycle of poverty, which aligns with the mission of supporting nonprofits that fight global poverty.
Provide evaluations strictly in a JSON format, with each criteria scored as "Yes," "No," or "Uncertain," and include a brief reason for each score.
This evaluation is provided in JSON format with clear scoring and reasoning for each criterion.
Project name
The project name is clearly stated as 'Create Economic Opportunity Fund.'
Project website
The project has an accessible and relevant website.
Project description
The project description adequately explains the purpose and approach of the fund in fighting global poverty.
Project Twitter
The project has an active Twitter account linked to the organization.
Project Github
The eligibility of the project for Gitcoin grants might not depend on having a GitHub presence. The provided information says 'Project Github: N/A'. If a GitHub repository is required for Gitcoin rounds, this would be a no, otherwise uncertain.
User Github
The eligibility of an individual user's GitHub is not specified in the provided criteria. The provided information says 'User Github: N/A'. Same reasoning as the prior criterion applies.