

AndiLending, born in Rio, offers a crypto-based lending platform promoting financial inclusion using ZKSync for privacy, targeting individuals and lenders seeking accessible microcredit solutions.
Applied on: 27 Apr 2024 09:34 PM
User Review
Reviewed on 28 Apr 2024 12:27 PM
Participated in a recognized hackathon within the last 18 months.
Evidence of development progress post-hackathon.
Must provide proof of participation in a hackathon in the last 18 months where the output aligns with Open-Source Principles and Project Activity criteria.
AI Review
Reviewed on 28 Apr 2024 02:02 AM
Participated in a recognized hackathon within the last 18 months
The project, AndiLending, originated from #ETHSamba in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which occurred within the 18-month timeframe.
Evidence of development progress post-hackathon
The project GitHub shows a number of commits in the past 3 months, indicating ongoing development and progress post-hackathon.
Must provide proof of participation in a hackathon in the last 18 months where the output aligns with Open-Source Principles and Project Activity criteria
A link to the hackathon project page on the ETH Samba event demonstrates participation, and the project is licensed under the MIT License with all repositories being public, aligning with Open-Source Principles and Project Activity criteria.