We are AndiLending, a winner project that was born in #ETHSamba in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil during march. A month later, we would like to share with you the updates of this product.
The problem we are solving
The problem we are addressing is the lack of financial inclusion and the difficulties in qualifying for and obtaining loans in the traditional financial system. Financial exclusion deprives certain individuals or groups of access to basic financial services such as savings accounts, credit, insurance, and payment services. This may be due to poverty, discrimination, or lack of adequate documentation. Meanwhile, the strict loan qualification conditions in the conventional financial system, such as credit history, income verification, and collateral requirements, create barriers for those with limited financial resources or irregular incomes.
This hinders access to the capital needed to start businesses, acquire homes, or invest in education and health, perpetuating cycles of poverty and limiting economic growth. Our intervention aims to address these issues and promote financial inclusion by offering more accessible and equitable solutions to access financial services and loans.
About our Solution
AndiLending is a platform that enables users to obtain crypto loans with the option to qualify through traditional finance, ensuring privacy with shared information using ZKSync.
We are focus on reducing financial disparities, driven by a strong commitment to financial inclusion. Our primary key is on providing microloans in cryptocurrency, a solution that is scalable across all blockchain networks. We are deeply motivated by the idea of empowering individuals who are underserved by traditional financial institutions, offering them access to capital that can catalyze economic opportunities.
One key aspect of our platform is its ability to engage individuals who wish to lend funds. Through our platform, lenders have the convenience of evaluating potential borrowers using a credit scoring system. This system streamlines the lending process, allowing lenders to make informed decisions based on the creditworthiness of borrowers.
By leveraging blockchain technology and microcredit solutions, we aim to bridge the gap between those in need of financial support and those willing to provide it, fostering a more inclusive financial ecosystem where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Public Objetive
To main users: microcredit borrowers and "loanders," individuals who are interested in providing microloans.
For borrowers, we target individuals who require microcredit to pursue various opportunities such as entrepreneurship, education, or healthcare. These borrowers may face barriers to accessing traditional financial services and are seeking alternative avenues for financing.
On the other hand, our platform also appeals to "loanders," individuals who are eager to contribute to financial inclusion by lending funds to those in need. These "loanders" recognize the potential impact of microcredit in empowering underserved communities and are enthusiastic about participating in this process.
Our competitive advantaje
Our focus are:
- Compliance
- Score Analytics
- Easy and fast to use
Our Business Model
Commission for transactions carried out on the platform and a % of the interest on the credit.
Our Demo We deployed on Scroll Sepolia and Arbitrium Sepolia.
Landing: https://andin-lending.vercel.app/ Github: https://github.com/AndiLend/AndiLend
Our Team
Lilian Santos: Product Manager Fabio Laura: FullStack Dev Rodrigo Goitia: FullStack Dev Alejandro Alvarez: FrontEnd
Get to know more about us https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAW3Ma0OE/oa-GU8tYKE2c-Pc-wU8R7A/edit?utm_content=DAGAW3Ma0OE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
With your support, we can continue doing amazing features. ;)
AndiLending History
accepted into Hackathon Alumni 10 months ago.