

Creating a hybrid model for self-awareness and core values affirmation, aiming to humanize the Web3 space with soulbound NFTs and foster a more compassionate, connected society.
Applied on: 20 Dec 2023 09:24 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:21 AM
Are you a female or non-binary founder?
The project description does not provide information about the gender identity of the founder, hence the assessment cannot be made with the information provided.
Is one of your teammates part of the SheFi Community?
The project description does not mention any team member's involvement with the SheFi Community, thus it is unclear whether any teammate is part of the community.
OR Have you attended two in person SheFi events?
There is no information available in the provided project description regarding attendance at in person SheFi events by any team member, making it impossible to verify this criterion.
Do you follow SheFi and Octant on YouTube, Twitter ( @She__Fi @OctantApp), and Instagram, and are you subscribed to our newsletters?
The provided information does not confirm whether the project follows SheFi and Octant on the specified social media platforms and newsletters, leading to an uncertain assessment.