
$41.55 crowdfunded from 10 people

$18.15 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Creating a hybrid model for self-awareness and core values affirmation, aiming to humanize the Web3 space with soulbound NFTs and foster a more compassionate, connected society.

This project is an attempt to create a unique hybrid model, that can build inner awareness and affirm the core values that can help navigate safely and with authenticity, connecting real and virtual ecosystems, and enabling a shift with a conscious Web3 for better humans.

What is our "raison d'ĂȘtre"? What is the purpose of our existence?

What makes you feel that you exist?

What makes the fact of your existence valuable?

The purpose that moves us every day, is the reason to be, to exist, is what makes societies and individuals unique and valuable, and keeps them together, flowing in harmony, even in times of crisis.

What problem is this project addressing?

First, it is a call to address the problem of people's lack of purpose and disconnection from inner-self and from real-life sources of core value, creativity, and wellness, particularly with an increase in burnout, addiction, depression, loneliness, and social isolation evident during the pandemic and after, in both the youth and the aging population.

Second, facilitate the understanding of change as a creative process and the recognition of the value of the inner body-mind interactive system within this creation process, as inherent to the regeneration of life.


.- Get people's attention about their own embodied intelligence and how it can help them know themselves better and empower them to fight their inner demons while having fun at the same time.

.- Contribute to the development of: "blockchains being at the center of ecosystems that are collaborative and fun, and not just about money".- Vitalik.

.- Create, make visible, and empower, new meaningful enlightening connections within individuals and communities of regenerative and creative nature.

.-Helping the emergence of a more loving, compassionate and healthy humanity, using technology in a better way for that purpose, in the near future.

Why on Web3?

Answering a request to:



"From here to there"

A common criticism of the "web3" space as it exists today is how money-oriented everything is. People celebrate the ownership, and outright waste, of large amounts of wealth, and this limits the appeal and the long-term sustainability of the culture that emerges around these items. There are of course important benefits that even financialized NFTs can provide, such as funding artists and charities that would otherwise go unrecognized. However, there are limits to that approach and a lot of underexplored opportunities in trying to go beyond financialization. Making more items in the crypto space "soulbound" can be one path toward an alternative, where NFTs can represent much more of who you are and not just what you can afford. However, there are technical challenges to doing this, and an uneasy "interface" between the desire to limit or prevent transfers and a blockchain ecosystem where so far all of the standards are designed around maximum transferability.

Attaching items to "identity objects" that users are either unable (as with proof-of-humanity profiles) or unwilling (as with ENS names) to trade away seems like the most promising path, but challenges remain in making this easy-to-use, private and secure. We need more effort on thinking through and solving these challenges. If we can, this opens a much wider door to blockchains being at the center of ecosystems that are collaborative and fun, and not just about money"

Fact-of-Existing/F-o-E_GAME History

  • accepted into SheFi Octant Round 1 year ago.
  • accepted into SheFi GG19 Round 1 year ago. 10 people contributed $17 to the project, and $18 of match funding was provided.

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