Interactive Nail Art Products

Interactive Nail Art Products

Nail artist integrating tech into nail products, seeking funding for prototypes and manufacturing, targeting fashion, music, and virtual platforms with innovative wearable art experiences.
Applied on: 29 Dec 2023 10:16 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:20 AM
Are you a female or non-binary founder?
The project founder has self-identified as a genderqueer person, meeting the criteria of being a female or non-binary founder.
Is one of your teammates part of the SheFi Community?
There is insufficient information provided in the submission to confirm if any of the teammates are part of the SheFi Community.
OR Have you attended two in person SheFi events?
There is no information provided in the project's description to indicate whether the founder has attended two in-person SheFi events.
Do you follow SheFi and Octant on YouTube, Twitter ( @She__Fi @OctantApp), and Instagram, and are you subscribed to our newsletters?
The project has not provided evidence of following SheFi and Octant on the required platforms or of subscription to their newsletters.