Interactive Nail Art Products

$17.94 crowdfunded from 11 people

$22.63 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Nail artist integrating tech into nail products, seeking funding for prototypes and manufacturing, targeting fashion, music, and virtual platforms with innovative wearable art experiences.


Hiii, I’m ck! I am a nail artist that creates not only Avant-Garde over-the-top physical nail art sets for music artists, fashion editorials, drag queens, and soon to be on TV — but someone integrating tech into nail products for salons and nail art lovers. Check

I have created nail art in just about any reality you can make it. From being a top creator in Decentraland making nails for your avatars, to being the first to bring AR nails to the DressX platform, I am the perfect artist to bring the industry forward through tech. I’m even blowing up other people socials heh


So this is where the problem comes in, who cares about propelling an industry? Who cares about nail art? You might even be wondering, why nail art?

Well humans have been adorning fingertips since forever, and it’s only getting more and more popular with evolution of the art in fashion and entertainment. I've been on a mission to help not only document it, but push it forward into the future even more.

But really I see the problem being bigger than just beauty and fashion. It’s an experience problem. As our lives blend more with the virtual and physical art becomes more valuable, it’s time we added connectedness to our world more.


I've been vague up until now in what my ideas are. Some will require NDA and are in the process of being patented. Also right now I am in the prototyping phase where I am working with a local printer to test my physical products, while exploring the best tech to develop, manufacture and integrate within the products.

This isn't just about using a tech that exists and putting it together with another one that does. We are developing all new ideas and all new tech. Think nail press ons, apps, and experiences - from someone who truly understands how nail art can change someone’s perspective.

Speaking of ideas, I come with 15 years experience in advertising, working with brands to launch their products and services.

And I’ve been working on these ideas for over a year, trying to wrap up my life in the advertising industry and get to a place to pursue this more full time.

Plans for Funding

We plan to start with what seed funding we can get through grants, especially from women and nonbinary groups (as I am a gender queer person) and will be engaging some seed investors I am connected to here in NYC for the first pre seed phase. Over the next few months we hope to secure enough funding for early manufacturing to get our first product out and launched by early next spring, the latest

Team Members

There will be more on this soon as I am actively engaging a few collaborators to be on the team in a more involved capacity, within the next few weeks. But for now it’s myself as the Founder, I have someone with a printing background for manufacturing of press ons that is helping me in prototyping, and am seeking someone with more of a business operational background to help fill the gaps.

Tap in and let's see what we can create together.

Interactive Nail Art Products History

  • applied to the SheFi Octant Round 8 months ago of which the application is still in a pending state
  • accepted into SheFi GG19 Round 9 months ago. 11 people contributed $18 to the project, and $23 of match funding was provided.

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