Geo Web Open Contributor Fund

Geo Web Open Contributor Fund

Grant administered by core team for bounties and rewards, enabling new contributors to participate in diverse roles such as development, content creation, and marketing.
Applied on: 13 Jul 2023 12:28 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:11 PM
Be a public good project
The Geo Web Open Contributor Fund is administered by the Geo Web core team, which aims to allocate funds for contributors to foster involvement in the project—indicative of a public good designed to support community contributions and knowledge sharing.
Contribute to Geo Web and/or open-source spatial computing ecosystem
The project explicitly mentions allocating funds for contributions to the Geo Web project, an initiative that advances the open-source spatial computing ecosystem.
No impersonations, scams, tourists, or vaporware
The project is managed by the Geo Web core team with a credible multi-sig structure and previously successful bounties, reducing the likelihood of scams or impersonations. The project displays ongoing active participation and development based on the GitHub activity.
No previous venture capital or token raise (the round is focused where matching funds can make an impact)
There is no information provided that suggests previous venture capital or token raises; the project appears to be focused on community contributions and bounties funded through Gitcoin and similar platforms.
To maximize the impact of our small matching pool, the number of eligible grantees will initially be capped at 15. If additional matching funds are secured prior to round close, we’ll increase the cap.
There are no details provided about the current number of grantees or whether additional matching funds have been secured, making it uncertain if this project is within the initial cap of 15 eligible grantees.