Geo Web + Spatial Computing Public Goods

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 17 Jul 2023 00:00 to 31 Jul 2023 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 4
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$2 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
31 Jul 2023 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Geo Web
Developing an open-source, augmented reality network with a digital land registry, funding public goods, and offering geospatial AR capabilities for next-generation internet experiences.
Donor amount: $160.87
Match amount: $2043.81
53 contributions
PLAY TO LEARN - WTF is Partial Common Ownership
An educational city builder game to teach Partial Common Ownership, contrasted with Private Ownership, for understanding economic concepts and societal benefits.
Donor amount: $513.45
Match amount: $1493.63
33 contributions
Geo Web Security Bounty Program
Grant to fund Geo Web contract security through a Security Bounty Program, transitioning from self-administered to platform-managed, overseen by a multi-sig team.
Donor amount: $114.74
Match amount: $1419.63
34 contributions
An augmented reality app for overlaying and combining sounds at specific locations to create a collaborative audio landscape.
Donor amount: $189.57
Match amount: $1032.30
36 contributions
Geo Web Open Contributor Fund
Grant administered by core team for bounties and rewards, enabling new contributors to participate in diverse roles such as development, content creation, and marketing.
Donor amount: $111.52
Match amount: $1063.89
36 contributions
Archly is a social and educational dApp for archaeology enthusiasts offering immersive AR experiences, user-generated content, and a global community platform with free and premium features.
Donor amount: $60.65
Match amount: $317.45
19 contributions
Cuidado de los pies, en ambito de podologia
AdminsNFT og collection of blockchain pioneers!
This is an optimized GAS project of the op network. After the project is created, it will airdrop rewards to all donors!
Geo Web + Spatial Computing Public Goods
A project aiming to develop an open, shared augmented reality platform, funded by a unique land market model to support public good initiatives in spatial computing.