Geo Web

Geo Web

Developing an open-source, augmented reality network with a digital land registry, funding public goods, and offering geospatial AR capabilities for next-generation internet experiences.
Applied on: 13 Jul 2023 12:09 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:09 PM
Be a public good project
The Geo Web project aims to create a shared augmented reality infrastructure and dedicates 100% of the digital land market funds to public goods, aligning with the public good mission.
Contribute to Geo Web and/or open-source spatial computing ecosystem
The project directly contributes to the Geo Web as it is the foundational project of the same name, and it also contributes to the open-source spatial computing ecosystem through its various tools and protocols.
No impersonations, scams, tourists, or vaporware
The project has a credible online presence with active social media profiles, a detailed website, and a comprehensive Github repository, and there is no evidence of impersonation or scams. Gitcoin's previous funding and ongoing development demonstrate that it is not vaporware.
No previous venture capital or token raise (the round is focused where matching funds can make an impact)
The project description states that it is bootstrapped through community and open-source grants, with no mention of venture capital or token fundraising.
To maximize the impact of our small matching pool, the number of eligible grantees will initially be capped at 15. If additional matching funds are secured prior to round close, we’ll increase the cap.
This criterion is contingent on the number of applicants and available funds at the time of the Gitcoin round. A specific assessment cannot be made without this data.