PLAY TO LEARN - WTF is Partial Common Ownership

$513.45 crowdfunded from 33 people

$1,493.63 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
An educational city builder game to teach Partial Common Ownership, contrasted with Private Ownership, for understanding economic concepts and societal benefits.

What? An educational game that explores the concept of Partial Common Ownership (PCO).

Why? Education, education, education. Learning is important and I believe it should be fun.

PCO is not widely understood, this project aims to change that.

How? You play a tile-based city builder game where your job is to maximise total welfare.

You play the role of government and "fate". Gov - You spend your tax revenue to increase welfare. Fate - You decide who builds their businesses.

You can think of yourself as "The Almighty Allocator"

First, you play a round of Private Ownership. You play this and learn:

  • The inefficiencies of Private Ownership
  • What the problem is with Private Ownership.

Second, you play a round of Partial Common Ownership. You play this and learn:

  • What PCO is
  • How PCO works
  • How PCO differs from Private Ownership
  • Why society is better off

Final thoughts: Economics is complex. Let's make it accessible to all :)

PLAY TO LEARN - WTF is Partial Common Ownership History

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