TruMarket Blockchain

TruMarket Blockchain

Blockchain-powered platform offering 15-18% APY for web3 investors by providing liquidity to fruit industry suppliers, enhancing transparency, traceability, and efficiency while boosting supplier revenues by 12%.
Applied on: 16 Jul 2024 10:37 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 17 Jul 2024 12:39 AM
The project description provides a clear purpose and application of technology.
The project aims to improve liquidity in the fruit supply chain using blockchain technology and has a clear target audience and use case.
The project falls under one of the three key RWAIG funding categories.
The project falls under the 'Building - Deployment of RWAs' category.
The project could deploy on Arbitrum in the short-to-medium term.
The project is at the MVP stage with traction, indicating readiness for deployment in the short-to-medium term.
The project involves advanced technology with a potential for significant ecosystem impact.
The project leverages blockchain for real-time traceability and financial transactions, which can significantly impact supply chain efficiency and attract non-web3 users.
The project seeks funding appropriate to its scale and scope.
The funding request is $8500, which seems reasonable given the project's existing traction and development stage.
The project offers a unique value proposition compared to existing solutions.
The project distinguishes itself by offering real-time traceability and the fastest execution of funds with smart contracts, which are not commonly available in similar solutions.
The project has an experienced team with relevant expertise.
The team includes members with significant experience in fruit value chains, DeFi projects, and blockchain development.
The project has secured initial funding or support.
The project has already raised EUR 150K and has support from Startup Chile.
The project is not already funded by other Arbitrum-related programs.
The project has indicated that it is not funded by other Arbitrum-related programs.
The project has active GitHub contributions or a visible development effort.
The lead developer's GitHub shows active contributions with 13 commits in the past 3 months.