Arbitrum RWA Innovation Grant Program

Running on the Arbitrum blockchain from 16 Sep 2024 19:34 to 16 Sep 2024 19:34 (UTC).
No matching funds available Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
16 Sep 2024 19:34
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Isle Finance
On-chain credit marketplace for supply chain finance, ensuring high security and asset quality by connecting with high-credit supply chain buyers.
A Fintech platform in France and Switzerland, offering scalable yield solutions on stablecoins via blockchain, bridging traditional and decentralized finance through Real-World Asset integration.
A CRM platform leveraging Real World Assets on the Arbitrum network to manage customer relationships and loyalty programs with redeemable points of real-world value.
Svim Finance
An AI-powered real-world asset marketplace bridging traditional finance and DeFi by tokenizing credit assets, offering stable yields for crypto investors, and ensuring robust risk management.
Simplifying RWA tokenization with no-code and API-driven solutions, enabling businesses to create, manage, and trade tokens without technical blockchain expertise. Raised $400k, focusing on market expansion.
Integrate tree data into a decentralized app in Portland, allowing users to adopt trees via NFTs and earn crypto for reporting tree health and growth.
0xAuth offers automated, compliant onboarding with portable credentials for tokenised funds, reducing compliance costs and increasing investor access across chains.
The project is a permissionless Layer 2 using Arbiturm Orbit to tokenize real-world assets (RWAs) and create a unique DeFi ecosystem for these assets.
Test 12
Tokenizing publicly tradable securities, we issue compliant financial products backed by assets, offering various investment products on Arbitrum swiftly.
Truflation, backed by Coinbase and Chainlink, offers uncensored economic data for tokenizing real-world assets, supporting DeFi applications and tracking CPI with extensive media coverage.
FunDeSci (Fundraising Platform for DeSci)
FunDeSci is a blockchain-based ecosystem for scientific crowdfunding, publishing, and trading of NFTs representing research outputs, enabling decentralized funding, asset tokenization, and collaboration among scientists.
Carbon Anti-Theft
Develop a smart contract "Carbon Flow" using ERC-1155 to limit carbon credit transfers, prevent theft, and facilitate a market of carbon accountants. Funds needed for DAO UI completion and audit.
A B2B SaaS platform for product lifecycle traceability, offering insights on sourcing, performance, environmental impact, and ownership history.