Svim Finance
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An AI-powered real-world asset marketplace bridging traditional finance and DeFi by tokenizing credit assets, offering stable yields for crypto investors, and ensuring robust risk management.

Svim Finance is an AI powered real-world asset aggregated marketplace and tokenization protocol aimed at bridging traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi). Our mission is to bring $100 billion worth of assets onto the blockchain, reducing costs for underserved asset owners while providing stable yields for crypto investors.

We start with credit asset tokenization which includes private credit such as trade finance, fintech lending, real estate loans, and public credit such as government Treasury bills. By setting up DeFi-based investment pools, we connect Web2 asset owners or borrowers with crypto investors, offering diverse investment opportunities to earn stable and sustainable high yield while diversifying away from crypto volatility or cybersecurity risks. Svim Finance ensures robust risk management through our internal systems and partnerships with custodians, auditors, oracles, and compliance vendors.

Long term, we aim to be sector-agnostic multi-model marketplace that offer the most RWA offerings, unified investor experience and diversified capital allocation opportunities.

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