

A CRM platform leveraging Real World Assets on the Arbitrum network to manage customer relationships and loyalty programs with redeemable points of real-world value.
Applied on: 8 Aug 2024 11:58 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 9 Aug 2024 12:17 AM
The project should be in the Building - Deployment of RWAs category
Pointland falls under the 'Building - Deployment of RWAs' category as it is focused on using RWAs to improve customer loyalty programs.
The project should target the Arbitrum network
Pointland is based on the Arbitrum network.
The project should have a product and technology that could deploy on Arbitrum in the short-to-medium term
The project is already in the development stage with completed smart contracts and is working on UI/UX development.
The project should aim to help kick-start the Arbitrum ecosystem
Pointland aims to bring new users and economic activity to the Arbitrum ecosystem by turning loyalty points into tradable digital assets.
The project is expected to attract larger projects and potentially act as a positive flywheel for smaller projects
By integrating RWAs into loyalty programs, Pointland has the potential to attract significant interest from brands and developers.
The project should demonstrate quality and consistency in the development of the Arbitrum RWA ecosystem
The project outlines clear and consistent goals to improve the value and transparency of loyalty programs using RWAs.
The project should be in the development stage but close to deployment
Pointland is currently in the development stage with operational smart contracts and is focusing on completing UI/UX development.
The project should be able to integrate tightly with new and existing projects
Pointland's approach of using RWAs makes it adaptable to a variety of loyalty programs, indicating potential for tight integration.
The project should outline its funding request and its use
The funding request is $30,000, and the project aims to solve inefficiencies in traditional loyalty programs using RWAs.
The project should not already be funded by Arbitrum-related programs
Pointland has not received funding from other grant programs.
The project should provide recent and relevant Github activity as a measure of progress
The user associated with the project has 30 commits in the past 3 months, indicating active development.