

Developing a blockchain-based financial platform to simplify and reduce costs for international payroll and tax management using stable coins and ckBTC for businesses and remote workers.
Applied on: 17 Oct 2023 09:04 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:32 AM
Must be a project submitted to ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023
The project 'Payroll-Pochi' appears to be associated with the ETHSafari event based on the project website, but there is insufficient evidence to confirm its submission to the ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023.
Must include open source code, no repo = no eligibility
The project 'Payroll-Pochi' has a linked Github repository under the name 'HarambeeApps', indicating that open source code is available.
Must be original code
Without a code review, it's not possible to determine the originality of the code in the 'Payroll-Pochi' project. There are commits by 'cosmasken' which may be associated with the project, but originality cannot be confirmed definitively.
Must care about a problem in Africa
The 'Payroll-Pochi' project description indicates a focus on international payroll management which could be applicable to African countries; however, it does not explicitly mention addressing a problem specific to Africa.