Developing a blockchain-based financial platform to simplify and reduce costs for international payroll and tax management using stable coins and ckBTC for businesses and remote workers.

TaxPro Plus with Pochi is a pioneering financial platform that aims to streamline and revolutionize international payroll management. Born out of a successful hackathon project, we've already developed some key components and screens, but we're seeking support to bring this game-changing solution to its full potential.

The project focuses on enabling cross-border payments with minimal fees by leveraging stable coins and ckBTC(Chain-Key Bitcoin). We aim to create a seamless and cost-effective solution for businesses and individuals to manage international payroll with ease. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology and the low transaction costs of stable coins, we are making international salary payments more accessible and affordable.

Our project aspires to have a transformative impact on international payroll and tax management:

  1. Cost Reduction: We're committed to significantly lowering the costs associated with cross-border salary payments. Businesses and employees will benefit from reduced transaction fees, making international payroll more cost-effective.

  2. Accessibility: By using stable coins and CKBTC, we're making cross-border payroll accessible to a broader audience. This project will particularly benefit freelancers, remote workers, and international businesses, leveling the playing field for all.

  3. Efficiency: TaxPro Plus with Pochi aims to simplify and automate the process of payroll and tax management. With an intuitive user interface and built-in tools for declarations, we're ensuring efficiency in financial operations.

  4. Financial Inclusion: We're creating a platform that empowers individuals and companies to manage their financial transactions, regardless of their location or size. Financial inclusion is at the core of our mission.

Payroll-Pochi History

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