

Texas non-profit ICDevs.org seeks grant to expand Ethereum Dapps scalability on the Internet Computer, offering funding for projects enhancing EVMs and EVM interoperability.
Applied on: 16 Nov 2023 07:07 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 01:40 PM
Web3 Open Source Software Round Eligibility
The project ICDevs.org appears to meet the general program policy and specific requirements set for the Web3 Open Source Software round based on the provided description and efforts in scaling Ethereum Dapps and Protocols.
Open Source: The project must be open-source.
The project provides links to GitHub repositories which suggests the project's software is indeed open-source.
Recent Activity: There must be meaningful GitHub activity within the past 3 months, demonstrating ongoing work aligned with the project's mission.
The User GitHub activity shows a count of 30 commits in the past 3 months, indicating ongoing work. Additionally, some of the Project GitHub repositories have recent commits, pull requests, and issues indicating active development.
Web3 Focus: The project should primarily aim to develop or advance the broader Ethereum and/or Web3 ecosystem
The project's description explicitly states that it is focused on supporting Ethereum Dapps and Protocols by funding bounties and grants for EVM scalability, which is directly related to the development and advancement of the Ethereum and/or Web3 ecosystem.