Sybil Defense for Public Goods - with privacy

Sybil Defense for Public Goods - with privacy

Holonym enhances Gitcoin through zero-knowledge proofs, allowing users to privately verify unique human identity and strengthen Sybil defense for grant rounds on Optimism.
Applied on: 3 Nov 2023 08:09 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 01:56 PM
Web3 Open Source Software Round Eligibility
The project description and associated information indicate that it aligns with the Gitcoin round theme, which supports the development of tools and infrastructure for the Ethereum and Web3 ecosystems.
To be eligible for this grant round, projects must meet the general program policy and the following specific requirements:
Based on the provided project description, Holonym meets the general program policies and the specific requirements outlined for the grant round.
Open Source: The project must be open-source.
The project's GitHub repository at is accessible, indicating that the project is open-source.
Recent Activity: There must be meaningful GitHub activity within the past 3 months, demonstrating ongoing work aligned with the project's mission.
The mentioned GitHub repositories 'holonym-api,' 'id-hub-contracts,' 'id-server,' and 'phone-number-server' all have a significant number of commits in the past three months, which demonstrates meaningful GitHub activity and ongoing work.
Web3 Focus: The project should primarily aim to develop or advance the broader Ethereum and/or Web3 ecosystem
Holonym's integration with Gitcoin Passport and its focus on providing Sybil Defense with privacy-preserving identity protocols demonstrate a clear aim to develop and support the broader Ethereum and Web3 ecosystem.