The Gaming Round

The Gaming Round

Promote gaming on Arbitrum to leverage scalability, cost efficiency, fast transactions, and user experience, thus boosting developer activity and user adoption in its ecosystem.
Applied on: 17 Aug 2023 06:44 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 05:04 PM
The project must have a clear connection to the Arbitrum ecosystem.
The project is designed specifically to encourage development of gaming experiences on the Arbitrum platform, which indicates a direct connection to the Arbitrum ecosystem.
The project should align with one of the four (+1) domains for the Arbitrum Domain Round.
Gaming is a significant domain and is likely one of the domains of interest for the Arbitrum Domain Round to foster its ecosystem growth.
The project should provide benefits to the wider Arbitrum community beyond the team directly involved.
Encouraging new gaming projects on Arbitrum has the potential to onboard new users to its ecosystem and drive overall growth, benefiting the wider community.
The project must demonstrate past progress or a clear potential for future impact.
Without access to specific past progress metrics or a detailed roadmap of future impact, it is impossible to confidently evaluate this criterion.
The project should have some open-source component or contribute to the open-source Arbitrum community.
No Github account or mention of any open-source contributions was provided, suggesting the project may not currently have an open-source component or documented contributions to the community.
The project should not be exclusively focused on profit-making.
There is insufficient information to determine the project's focus on profit vs. community contribution and ecosystem development.
The funding requested should be reasonable and clearly justified based on the project's needs and potential impact.
No specific funding amount is requested or detailed budget provided in the description, thus assessment of the reasonableness of funding cannot be made.
The project team should be transparent about their goals and operations.
Lack of detailed project goals, operation plans, and absence of social media presence like Twitter and Github make it difficult to assess transparency.
The project should have a mechanism for community feedback and engagement.
There is no evidence of a mechanism for community feedback or engagement; no social media (Twitter) or development platforms (GitHub) are listed.
There is evidence of ongoing support and maintenance for the project.
No Github or other development activity is provided, so there is no evidence of ongoing support or maintenance.