The Gaming Round

$943.82 crowdfunded from 304 people

$12,224.48 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Promote gaming on Arbitrum to leverage scalability, cost efficiency, fast transactions, and user experience, thus boosting developer activity and user adoption in its ecosystem.


This will help Arbitrum encourage more developers to create innovative gaming experiences and thus onboard new users to its ecosystem. Gaming is a natural use case for building on Arbitrum for the following reasons:

Scalability: Arbitrum significantly increase the throughput of transactions, allowing games to handle a larger number of players and interactions without congestion.

Cost Efficiency: High fees are a deterrent, especially in the gaming industry where microtransactions and frequent interactions are common. Arbitrum lower transaction costs could make it more appealing for game developers and players.

Fast Confirmation Times: Gamers require quick confirmation times to ensure seamless gameplay. Arbitrum's technology facilitates faster transaction making it suitable for real-time interactions in games.

Smooth User Experience: Gamers expect a smooth and responsive user experience. With reduced latency and quicker transaction finality, Arbitrum can help create a more enjoyable and engaging gaming experience.

Interoperability: Many games involve in-game assets and items that players might want to trade or use across different platforms. Arbitrum's compatibility with Ethereum's smart contracts could facilitate interoperability, allowing assets to be used across various games and applications.

Decentralized Virtual Economies: Some games incorporate decentralized virtual economies where in-game assets are tokenized and owned by players. Arbitrum's capabilities can support the creation and management of such economies in a more efficient and secure manner.

Developer Incentives: Layer 2 solutions can offer various incentives for developers to build on their platform, including grants, technical support, and developer toolkits. These incentives can attract game developers to choose Arbitrum as their development platform.

Ecosystem Growth: By attracting game developers, Arbitrum could potentially foster a thriving ecosystem of games, applications, and services, creating a network effect that draws in more players and users.

Reduced Environmental Impact: As Ethereum and other mainnet blockchains transition to more energy-efficient consensus mechanisms, the environmental concerns associated with blockchain gaming could diminish. Choosing Arbitrum aligns with a more sustainable gaming approach.

Experimentation and Innovation: Arbitrum offer developers the chance to experiment with new ideas and game mechanics without the same level of risk and cost associated with deploying directly on the mainnet. This encourages innovation in the gaming industry.

In essence, the benefits of improved scalability, reduced costs, faster transactions, and a better user experience make Arbitrum attractive for gamers and game developers.

The Gaming Round History

  • accepted into Arbitrum Domain Round 1 year ago. 304 people contributed $944 to the project, and $12,224 of match funding was provided.

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