LunCo - collaborative systems engineering

$1,006.08 crowdfunded from 311 people

$450.18 received from matching pools

average score over 17 application evaluations
A decentralized virtual world integrating space and robotics models for collaborative engineering, offering educational and social features with IP-NFTs for design sharing.

LunCo collaborates with EcoSynthesisX on Space Data application for Environmental cases

Browser version Dev Build

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The goal of LunCo is to integrate Space & Robotics industry existing models into one Virtual World, allowing collaborative (concurrent) engineering.

It has an educational mode to onboard students into space engineering and web3 without knowing that they are learning, so it's kind of a Play2Learn mode.

On the other hand LunCo has a strong social component for engineers, issuing IP-NFT for their designs, allowing sharing CAD and other types of designs easilly and without central authority

The below diagram highlights the overall idea. Multiuser

LunCo is focused on Data Sovereignty, meaning that there is no need for central server. Users can run it locally, use it to edit their project, and then share it with the community using IP-NFTs for data discoverability, and decentralized data exchange networks like IPFS to share data itself.


Why Web3?

Web3 technology allows decentralization, which is crucial as engineering work is often dispersed across various teams.

The most common approach to knowledge sharing is email, which, while universal, is not the most efficient form of data exchange in today's digital age. On the other hand, Web3 provides advanced tools for file sharing and data exchange.



Through LunCo, we aim to:

  • Lower engineering costs, by making knowledge sharing much more efficient
  • Democratize the engineering landscape, providing equal access to manufacturing software for all
  • Foster a global engineering community encouraging data and technology transfer across domains
  • Serve as a repository of high-quality data for engineering AI

Roadmap & Features

  1. End of 2023 - release of polished version 0.4.0 and 24/7 available main server
  2. Q2 2024 - decent version to start design robotic lunar exploration missions together
  3. Q4 2024 - Launch of Metaverse, extensive building of tool funded by refi activities, e.g. quadratic funding round

Sample applications

  • Design solar power station in space
  • Assess impact of solar panels in the specific project
  • Plan satellite constellations
  • Visualize robotic transportation system
  • Monitoring and controlling of remote agriculture robots
  • Model Closed Loop Biological Life Support Systems

Inspired by

  1. NASA Celestial Mapping System
  2. NASA General Missions Analysis Toolkit
  3. Basilisk: an Astrodynamics Simulation Framework
  4. FPrime
  5. CCSDS
  6. Kerbal Space Program
  7. Factorio


  1. Site
  2. Main repo on Gitcoin (36 stars, 7 watching, 9 forks)
  3. Twitter (~3200 followers)
  4. Linkedin (~800 followers)
  5. Discord Server (100+ people)
  6. Youtube (57 subscribers, 16 videos)
  7. Founder's Twitter (~3200 followers)
  8. Founder's Linkedin (3400+ connections)
  9. Discussions on Github

LunCo - collaborative systems engineering History

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