LunCo (🌍🚀🌖) Ecosystem Support on @0xPolygon

Ran on the Polygon blockchain from 13 Jan 2024 00:00 to 01 May 2024 00:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 1000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
01 May 2024 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Solar Energy Design Subsystem
Develop a submodule to streamline engineering and evaluation of solar power stations on Earth and in space for a sustainable future.
Donor amount: $158.82
Token Engineering Submodule
Token Engineering Submodule for LunCo. Such a module would be useful not only for Lunar Settlement Economy Engineering, but for any token analysis application
Donor amount: $54.19
Networking Submodule for LunCo
Update existing networking module for browser builds to support WebRTC for collaborative system design and exploration.
Donor amount: $32.45
Requirements Management Subsystem
Support the development of a ReqIF-based requirements management subsystem, inspired by IBM DOORS, to enhance engineering processes.
Donor amount: $23.70
Model-Based Systems Engineering
LunCo Submodule for [Model Based Systems Engineering]( based on [Arcadia/Capella](
Donor amount: $21.28
LunCo: Astrobotics Peregrine Lander Sim
Interactive simulation of the [Peregrine Mission One]( in LunCo
Donor amount: $17.05
LunCo - collaborative systems engineering
A decentralized virtual world integrating space and robotics models for collaborative engineering, offering educational and social features with IP-NFTs for design sharing.
Donor amount: $14.84
Decentralize! Space
LunCo's initiative to promote Decentralized Space exploration, connecting space professionals and web3 natives via a Russian Telegram news channel, with plans for multilingual expansion.
Donor amount: $4.03
HyperDeSci 🧠🔬📖 by LunCo
LunCo is launching HyperDeSci, an initiative to fund space exploration and Moon settlements using blockchain technology, with a donation-based, multichain quadratic funding round for DeSci projects.
Donor amount: $1.77
A centralized platform providing tracking and manifest data for space missions, focused on cislunar activities, facilitating university and company access to rideshare opportunities and optimal landers/rovers for their payloads.
Donor amount: $1.62
Developing HubTropolis, a smart, sustainable city from scratch, using advanced technologies and a virtual twin for testing. Offering investment opportunities in real estate and innovative infrastructure solutions.
Donor amount: $0.79
AstroChain is a platform combining education and blockchain to aid space exploration, connecting enthusiasts and authenticating data as NFTs through its dApp, observational devices, and a metaverse hub.
Masterminding Eden - Visionary Village
Designing a self-sustaining, resilient city through a month-long workshop with experts from various fields, addressing infrastructure, technology, governance, and sustainability to establish a blueprint for future eco-civilizations.
DeSpace QF Matching Pool by LunCo
LunCo initiative funded 19 projects with a $2500 DAI pool, attracting 560 donations from 160 donors, raising $1019.32 for DeSpace QF.