HyperDeSci 🧠🔬📖 by LunCo

$5.82 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 6 application evaluations
LunCo is launching HyperDeSci, an initiative to fund space exploration and Moon settlements using blockchain technology, with a donation-based, multichain quadratic funding round for DeSci projects.

HyperDeSci 🧠🔬📖 by LunCo

To urge space exploration, and building sustainable tourists settlement on the Moon, LunCo is starting the initiative HyperDeSci with the final goal of summoning a web3 hyperstructure that would fuel DeSci project

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More details

The donations goes directly to matching pool of HyperDeSci

First HyperDeSci QF round

  1. Multichain - the round will be run simultaneously on several chains
  2. Each chain has it's own matching fund, initially LunCo would support with $1000
  3. LunCo would work on getting more funds and sponsors
  4. Round dates: March 12 00:00 UTC - April 2 00:00 UTC

Eligibility criteria

Be serious DeSci project.

LunCo team would propose general framework for future rounds, while for the first one the decision to accept the project would be made by LunCo team to save time and move fast


Sponsors who donate significant amount of money to matching pool would be highlighted during the round


  1. No Quid Pro Quo for your project, but grantees are highly welcomed to incentivise donations to the whole round e.g. by issuing NFT to ALL THE DONORS TO THE ROUND
  2. Sponsor's projects are highly welcomed to apply to the round
  3. The votes would be reviewed for Sybil attacks by LunCo's team and discussed with all the grantees before the payouts
  4. Support each other grants, shill each other projects, get as much attention to DeSci as possible!!!

Application process

If you do not have project on Gitcoin you'll have to create it. Guide

We suggest to create a project on Optimism or Polygon chain as it's the cheapest chains, and it'll be easy to edit the project.

Once the project created you'll have to apply with it to all the rounds on all the chain.


The easiest way to bridge money across chains to pay for gas for application is to use MiniBridge by ChainEye. We suggest to bridge at least $5

Links to Apply to Rounds

  1. zkSync
  2. Scroll
  3. Polygon
  4. Optimism
  5. Arbitrum

Links to Live Rounds to Donate

  1. zkSync
  2. Scroll
  3. Polygon
  4. Optimism
  5. Arbitrum

Links to Report Cards with Rounds stats

  1. zkSync
  2. Scroll
  3. Polygon
  4. Optimism
  5. Arbitrum

Programs links on Gitcoin

  1. zkSync
  2. Scroll
  3. Polygon
  4. Optimism
  5. Arbitrum


  1. zkSync
  2. Scroll (Safe on Scroll)
  3. Polygon
  4. Optimism
  5. Arbitrum


  1. Telegram Channel with news
  2. Main repo with all the info

About QF

  1. Wtf is QF
  2. What is gitcoin
  3. How to create project on builder

HyperDeSci 🧠🔬📖 by LunCo History

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