LunCo Ecosystem Direct Grant

Currently running on the Fantom blockchain from 05 Feb 2024 00:00 to 06 Jul 2024 06:16 (UTC).
No matching funds available Matching pool
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0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
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06 Jul 2024 06:16
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
LunCo - collaborative systems engineering
A decentralized virtual world integrating space and robotics models for collaborative engineering, offering educational and social features with IP-NFTs for design sharing.
LunCo: Astrobotics Peregrine Lander Sim
Interactive simulation of the [Peregrine Mission One]( in LunCo
Model-Based Systems Engineering
LunCo Submodule for [Model Based Systems Engineering]( based on [Arcadia/Capella](
Decentralize! Space
LunCo's initiative to promote Decentralized Space exploration, connecting space professionals and web3 natives via a Russian Telegram news channel, with plans for multilingual expansion.
Solar Energy Design Subsystem
Develop a submodule to streamline engineering and evaluation of solar power stations on Earth and in space for a sustainable future.
Requirements Management Subsystem
Support the development of a ReqIF-based requirements management subsystem, inspired by IBM DOORS, to enhance engineering processes.
Token Engineering Submodule
Token Engineering Submodule for LunCo. Such a module would be useful not only for Lunar Settlement Economy Engineering, but for any token analysis application
Networking Submodule for LunCo
Update existing networking module for browser builds to support WebRTC for collaborative system design and exploration.