Meme thing
Applied on: 27 Oct 2023 06:37 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:24 PM
Eligibility Criteria
The project description is too vague to determine if it meets all the specified eligibility criteria for the 'Public Good Meme Round 1'. While the description 'Moloch Slayer' suggests a focus on combating Moloch which could be positive, more information is needed about the meme content and how it plans to contribute to public goods.
No Public Bads!
The project description, 'Moloch Slayer,' seems to imply that the project is against Moloch which generally represents public bads in meme culture. There's no indication that the project promotes public bads.
No Coordination Failure or pro-Moloch Memes
The term 'Moloch Slayer' on its own suggests that the project is aligned against Moloch and therefore is unlikely to be promoting coordination failure or pro-Moloch sentiments.
Good vibes only
Without access to specific examples of the project's memes, it is not possible to determine if they exclusively emit 'Good vibes only'.
Must not use NGMI unless it refers to Moloch
The provided information does not include meme examples or their contexts, making it unclear whether the term NGMI is used, and if so, whether it adheres to the requirement that it must only refer to Moloch.