Connecting Farcasters Through Weekly Poetry

Connecting Farcasters Through Weekly Poetry

Weekly poetry creation minted from standout Farcaster conversations, capturing the spirit and connections of the community, also with special occasion dedications.
Applied on: 28 Nov 2023 08:17 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:04 PM
Project name
The project name 'Connecting Farcasters Through Weekly Poetry' is provided.
Project website
A project website URL '' is provided.
Project description
A detailed project description showcasing media, art, or content is provided.
Project Twitter
There is no Project Twitter account provided.
Project Github
There is no Project Github account provided.
User Github
There is no User Github account provided.
GitHub recent activity
While the project does not seem to require a GitHub repository for its poetry content, no evidence of recent GitHub activity directly related to the project has been provided, nor has it been confirmed the project repository exists.