Connecting Farcasters Through Weekly Poetry

$16.87 crowdfunded from 54 people

$78.52 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Weekly poetry creation minted from standout Farcaster conversations, capturing the spirit and connections of the community, also with special occasion dedications.

Poetry is uniquely capable of connecting people. Through sharing images, thoughts, emotions, we can connect with the images others see, thoughts others think and emotions others feel.

That's why poetry is uniquely capable of capturing the spirit of the connections on Farcaster. And that is what I do. Every Monday, I create and mint a poem based on the casts and conversations that stood out to me in the week before. My weekly ode to the casters I've connected with, and the connections I've seen develop.

On special (Farcaster) occasions, a dedicated poem will be created, too.

This way, the collections develops into a record of the connections we make on Farcaster.

Connecting Farcasters Through Weekly Poetry History

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