Dream DAO

Dream DAO

Web3-focused Dream DAO partners with Glo Dollar to embed philanthropy in its operations, aiming to fund basic incomes for the impoverished and drive social change through technology by 2030.
Applied on: 19 Feb 2024 05:05 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 20 Feb 2024 01:04 PM
Integrate Glo Dollar in your platform
Dream DAO has indicated a clear plan to integrate Glo Dollar as a preferred currency for donations, transactions, and rewards within its ecosystem, as outlined in their project description.
Or: hold at least 10% or $1000 of your treasury in Glo Dollar
Dream DAO has pledged to allocate a minimum of 10% or $1,000 of their treasury to Glo Dollar, committing to holding it as a strategic treasury allocation for philanthropy as mentioned in their project description.