Dream DAO
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Web3-focused Dream DAO partners with Glo Dollar to embed philanthropy in its operations, aiming to fund basic incomes for the impoverished and drive social change through technology by 2030.

Dream DAO & Glo Dollar: Pioneering Philanthropy in Web3

Executive Summary

Dream DAO, inaugurated in April 2023, represents a novel convergence of web3 innovation and social impact, dedicated to empowering the next generation of leaders to utilize technology for global good. Recognizing the transformative potential of integrating philanthropy within web3 ecosystems, Dream DAO is excited to embrace the Glo Dollar x Arbitrum initiative. This strategic alignment aims to embed philanthropy at the core of our operations, leveraging the Glo Dollar stablecoin to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in extreme poverty, while fostering broader engagement and collaboration within the Glo Consortium.

Strategic Integration of Glo Dollar

Dream DAO’s commitment to the Glo Dollar initiative is multifaceted, encompassing direct integration within our platform, a strategic treasury allocation, and active participation in the Glo Consortium. Each component is designed to maximize our impact and contribute to a sustainable future.

  1. Direct Platform Integration:
    • Implementation Plan: Dream DAO will integrate Glo Dollar as a preferred currency for donations, transactions, and rewards within our ecosystem. This includes setting up mechanisms for automatic conversion of contributions to USDGLO for our projects and facilitating donations to support basic income initiatives.
    • Impact Goals: By adopting Glo Dollar, we aim to directly fund basic incomes for hundreds of individuals in extreme poverty annually, setting a precedent for how decentralized organizations can contribute to global philanthropy.
  2. Treasury Allocation for Philanthropy:
    • Commitment Details: Aligning with the round’s eligibility, we pledge to allocate a minimum of 10% or $1,000 of our treasury to Glo Dollar. This commitment not only reflects our trust in Glo Dollar’s mission but also our dedication to using our financial resources for social good.
    • Strategic Vision: Our treasury investment in Glo Dollar is envisioned as a long-term strategy to support and grow with the ecosystem, demonstrating the potential of decentralized finance (DeFi) for philanthropy.
  3. Engagement with the Glo Consortium:
    • Collaboration Opportunities: As part of our integration strategy, Dream DAO will actively seek membership in the Glo Consortium, aiming to contribute to its mission through joint initiatives, knowledge sharing, and collaborative projects.
    • Leveraging Collective Impact: By joining forces with other organizations within the consortium, Dream DAO intends to amplify the impact of our philanthropic efforts, exploring innovative ways to address extreme poverty through technology.

Operational Plan and Impact Measurement

  • Implementation Timeline: Dream DAO plans to complete the Glo Dollar integration within the next three months, with treasury allocation to follow immediately. Participation in the Glo Consortium will commence as soon as our integration efforts are recognized.
  • Impact Metrics: We will measure the success of our Glo Dollar initiatives through direct tracking of contributions to basic income, engagement metrics within our platform related to Glo Dollar transactions, and qualitative assessments of our influence within the Glo Consortium.

Visionary Impact by 2030

Looking ahead to 2030, Dream DAO envisions a world where web3 not only revolutionizes technology and finance but also serves as a powerful engine for social change. Through our strategic partnership with Glo Dollar and active participation in the Glo Consortium, we aim to:

  • Fund Basic Incomes: Directly contribute to funding basic incomes for thousands of individuals, demonstrating the scalability of philanthropy through web3.
  • Catalyze Adoption: Serve as a catalyst for the broader adoption of Glo Dollar across the web3 ecosystem, multiplying the indirect impact on basic income funding.
  • Drive Innovation: Innovate within the Glo Consortium to develop new models for leveraging web3 technologies in the fight against extreme poverty.


Dream DAO's alignment with the Glo Dollar x Arbitrum initiative represents a significant leap forward in our mission to leverage web3 for global social impact. By integrating Glo Dollar into our operations, we not only aim to directly support those in extreme poverty but also to inspire a movement within the web3 community towards embedded philanthropy. Together, with the support of the Glo Dollar x Arbitrum Gitcoin round, Dream DAO is poised to redefine the intersection of technology, finance, and social good for generations to come.

Dream DAO History

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