Paul Burg | Public good funding experiments and degens to regens conversion via Gitcoin infrastructure
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Promoting Gitcoin through experimental funding programs, onboarding NGOs, promotional activities, bug reporting, designing future solutions, community building, and converting users to support public goods.

I consistently advocating and onboarding organizations and people to use and support Gitcoin as my commitment to non profit public good activity and Gitcoin development. Let's delve into some concrete proof of my work:

  • EcoSynthesisX Spring round: Served as our experiment on public good funding mechanics and degens -> regens conversion channel in the program layer field Layers You can find our rounds, grantees and report cards data via rounds links at Appendix 1

  • NGO & Impact Creator Onboarding: As a part of EcoSynthesisX QF rounds, we successfully onboarded NGOs & impact creators onto Gitcoin infrastructure. Like EcoThailand foundation and Heaven projects Hawaii. See rounds data Appendix 1

  • Promotional Efforts: To support our initiative and grantees, we conducted promotional efforts, generating social media posts and hosting Spaces discussions (all mentioning Gitcoin). See Appendix 2

  • Bug Reporting: During the rounds, we encountered some bugs and issues. These were reported via GitHub, manager. Chat, and private messages to Meg. Appendix 3 provides the relevant links (excluding PM for privacy reasons) Gitcoin support 1 Gitcoin support 2

  • Future Solutions: EcoSynthesisX QF rounds provided an opportunity to learn deep on Allo 2.0 to design potential future solutions and implementations. On field of multichain and aqueducts Ecosystem Growth Flywheel

  • Phangan QF Pre-Round: A noteworthy contribution to Gitcoin's infrastructure was the 1st Phangan QF pre-round, designed to gather a matching pool. Launched in December, this experiment demonstrated the excellence of Gitcoin's infrastructure for that reason. The round's success serves as a source of inspiration. Links can be found in Appendix 4

  • Regen Ru Community: To further expand our reach, we established the Regen Ru community. This initiative focuses on disseminating information about public good funding and the regenerative movement within the Russian-speaking community, with Gitcoin infrastructure serving as a central theme. Appendix 5 provides a link to the Russian version of the Owocky EthDenver Gitcoin 2.0 presentation. Owocky EthDenver Gitcoin 2.0 presentation. With Russian subtitles on Russian speaking platform

  • Degen -> Regen Conversion: Apart of huge amount of donations from degens airdrop hunters on zkSync and Scroll chains. That by fact the degens to regens conversion act. I made an additional contribution by personally onboarding individuals into the "degen to regen" movement. This involved inviting them to obtain Gitcoin Passports (providing explanations and assistance) and encouraging their utilization of Gitcoin's infrastructure as donors. See Appendix 6 for degens post about donation on our Gitcoin rounds 1 2

I'm excited to keep exploring public good funding mechanics with Gitcoin 💚

Long live and evolve Gitcoin!

Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:

Appendix 3:

Appendix 4:

Appendix 5:

Appendix 6:

  1. kacemmaher
  2. delarg0
  3. caernarfon_ Many more you can find by searching EcoSynthesisX on X and filter results by donated on Gitcoin

Paul Burg | Public good funding experiments and degens to regens conversion via Gitcoin infrastructure History

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