Coral Connect

Coral Connect

Coral Connect links digital assets to the AI-powered CHARM system, offering donors real-time updates on coral health and growth, interactive experiences, and data on environmental impact.
Applied on: 17 Nov 2023 01:57 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 5 Feb 2024 02:41 PM
Projects must be at least 3 months old. We use Twitter, web domain registration date, and other public info to determine this. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round.
The provided information does not specify the age of the project, such as the Twitter account creation date or web domain registration date. Without this information, it cannot be determined if the project meets the age requirement.
The Grant must be **primarily focused on climate solutions** (the group may do other work but the grant proposal should be directly related to climate solutions). The proposal should explicitly outline how this project will help reduce GHGs or is an important core infrastructure for web3 climate solutions.
Coral Connect's proposal is primarily focused on climate solutions through its reef restoration efforts and integration with CHARM, meant to improve the efficiency of coral growth and target ecological degradation. These actions contribute directly to natural carbon sequestration, meeting the requirement of being related to climate solutions.
Grantees who received funding in a previous round(s) must provide a new update on their progress and impact. You can also include the challenges you've faced. This will ensure accountability to supporters and also help encourage contributors by showing what you’ve been accomplishing.
There is no information available indicating whether Coral Connect has received previous funding from Gitcoin or not, nor is there an update on progress provided in the evaluation details.
All returning grantees are expected to update their proposal, in addition to project updates the proposal should include lessons learned from previous work and how they will use the additional funding from the upcoming round. The updated proposal should indicate how additional funding will help the project meet its goals, and include a rough timeline for the project overall.
There is no available information about whether Coral Connect is a returning grantee or if they have updated their proposal, making it impossible to evaluate their compliance with this requirement.
There is a general expectation that projects are within the **“realm of viability”**.
Coral Connect demonstrates a credible and viable project aimed at leveraging technology for reef restoration, and includes an outline of their methods and goals. The technological approach (CHARM) appears to be innovative and within the scope of current capabilities, suggesting the project is realistic and the founders intend to build it.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community.
The provided information does not indicate whether Coral Connect has engaged in any behavior that would enable or encourage Sybil attacks or other malicious activities. Without such evidence, it cannot be conclusively scored.