Coral Connect

$147.09 crowdfunded from 101 people

$1,121.04 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Coral Connect links digital assets to the AI-powered CHARM system, offering donors real-time updates on coral health and growth, interactive experiences, and data on environmental impact.

Coral Connect is the first “connect” arm under the NotEssential umbrella. It provides transparent and engaging access to reef restoration by linking dynamic digital assets to the API of the AI Coral Husbandry Automated Raceway Machine (CHARM). Allowing users real time data updates of coral growth, transplant locations and overall individualised coral health. Fostering a unique and direct connection to each and every coral lovingly grown by donors. Each digital asset will allow individual donors the ability to view, feed, and interact with their specific coral while providing real time data including and the amount of carbon sequestered.

CHARM: Developed by the Beyond Coral Foundation, CHARM is a groundbreaking innovation in coral production, which is of vital importance to aquaculture particularly in environments that have suffered coral loss through ecological degradation. It merges machine automation with scientific techniques to cultivate coral at scale. CHARM's features include machine vision learning, robotic end effectors, AI-driven management of coral polyps, and an intuitive user interface. Our goal is to set up multiple locations across the world with Coral Connect and CHARM to create an engaging form of coral regeneration.

The specific challenge this proposal aims to accomplish, is to create a new gold standard for reef restoration, the process is two-fold:

  1. Increase philanthropic engagement by providing transparency, awareness and tailored user experiences of reef restoration efforts.

  2. Improve the inefficiencies of current coral reef restoration methods via direct application.

Coral Connect History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 101 people contributed $147 to the project, and $1,121 of match funding was provided.

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