The Developer tooling on Nova Round

The Developer tooling on Nova Round

Develop infrastructure and tooling for Arbitrum Nova to tap into a growing market, gain early adopter advantages, meet developer demand, explore partnership opportunities, diversify blockchain presence, learn, and contribute to ecosystem vitality.
Applied on: 4 Sep 2023 04:28 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:16 AM
All projects submitted must be aligned with and contribute to the advancement of the Arbitrum ecosystem
The Developer tooling on Nova Round aims to build essential infrastructure and tooling catering to the growing Arbitrum ecosystem, which aligns with the advancement of Arbitrum.
The team should have a track record of relevant experience or a compelling plan to execute the project successfully. Prior project activity is also relevant, ideally, projects should be at least a couple of months old.
The provided information lacks specific details on the team's track record and their prior experience. There is no mention of a GitHub link or references to past projects which makes it difficult to evaluate the team's experience and the project's age or activity.