$988.48 crowdfunded from 346 people
$20,247.39 received from matching pools
This will help Arbitrum build essential infrastructure, tooling for Arbitrum Nova. Build infrastructure on Arbitrum make sense for the following reasons:
Growing Ecosystem: Abitrum is exploding, and as more users adopt Arbitrum, the ecosystem around is expanding. By building tools that cater to this growing user base, you position yourself to tap into a potentially large market.
Early Adopter Advantage: Being an early contributor to the Arbitrum ecosystem allows you to establish your presence and reputation within the community. This can lead to more visibility and influence as the ecosystem evolves.
Developer Demand: Developers today are looking for the best tool sets to simplify their workflow and help them take advantage of the benefits these solutions offer. By building developer-friendly tools, you cater to this demand and make their lives easier.
Partnership Opportunities: When you contribute valuable tools to the ecosystem, you might attract the attention of projects and businesses looking to partner with or integrate your solutions. This can open doors for collaboration and shared growth.
Diversification: If you're already in the blockchain development space, building tools for Arbitrum can diversify your portfolio and reduce reliance on a single blockchain network. This can help mitigate risks associated with network-specific fluctuations.
Learning Experience: Building tools for a layer 2 solution offers a unique learning experience. You'll gain insights into the technical intricacies of scaling solutions, security considerations, and interoperability between layer 2 and layer 1.
Contributing to the Ecosystem: By building tools, you contribute to the overall health and vitality of the Arbitrum ecosystem. Your tools could help attract more developers, users, and projects, leading to a more vibrant and active community. Building tools for Arbitrum presents a blend of strategic, economic, innovative, and community-driven motivations. It can position you at the forefront of a burgeoning ecosystem, allow you to offer valuable solutions to developers and users, and provide opportunities for recognition and collaboration.
The Developer tooling on Nova Round History
accepted into The Arbitrum Meta Round 1 year ago.
accepted into Arbitrum Domain Round 1 year ago. 346 people contributed $988 to the project, and $20,247 of match funding was provided.