Crypto Sapiens

Crypto Sapiens

Web3 media platform with podcasts, newsletters, and live events aiming to transition people from crypto curious to crypto native, reaching over 100,000 global audience.
Applied on: 26 Sep 2023 11:48 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 08:51 AM
The Grant proposal should explicitly outline how your work supported or will support the Gitcoin Community.
Without specific details from the Grant proposal regarding how 'Crypto Sapiens' directly supports the Gitcoin Community, it is not possible to accurately score this criterion.
This round focuses first and foremost on individuals not projects. Multiple individuals are not allowed to submit as one team submission.
'Crypto Sapiens' appears to be a project rather than an individual's initiative, which does not align with the criterion focusing on individual contributions rather than projects.
Indicate clearly whether the grantee is focusing on funding for work done (retroactive), planned work (proposed) or both (mixed). If it’s both, the grant should have a clear demarcation between retroactive and proposed work
Based on the provided information, it is unclear if 'Crypto Sapiens' grant application differentiates between retroactive and proposed work, as the details are not provided.
For full eligibility criteria, visit:
Without access to the full eligibility criteria document or detailed knowledge of the 'Crypto Sapiens' project's grant proposal, it is impossible to determine whether the project meets all the required criteria.