Nexus Nodes
Nexus Nodes focuses on research and education in Web3 Law & Policy, offering courses, producing influential studies, and fostering a global community of experts to advance legal frameworks in Web3.User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 11:16 AM
Projects must be at least 3 months old. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round.
There is no explicit information provided regarding the founding date of Nexus Nodes, so it is unclear whether the project fulfills the requirement of being at least 3 months old.
The project must be focused on improving the Web3 ecosystem through building community and/or creating educational content.
Nexus Nodes is dedicated to educational and research efforts in the field of Web3 Law & Policy, aiming to bridge the gap between legal frameworks and Web3 technology, which indicates a focus on improving the Web3 ecosystem through creating educational content.
Examples of projects which may fit are those that are: Growing new communities, Providing educational resources, Creating content (youtube tutorials, newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, etc) Protecting users by investigating bad actors, DAOs focused on socialization, Onboarding new users, Working on inclusion/diversity/advocacy
Nexus Nodes has completed an educational program with global participants, collaborates with law firms and organizations, and publishes research, which fits within the scope of providing educational resources, creating content, and growing a community focused on the legal aspects of Web3.