Fundaci贸n Salva Terra

Fundaci贸n Salva Terra

Colombian foundation focused on transforming agriculture through organic farming, rural social integration, product commercialization, and sustainability practices like waste management and reforestation.
Applied on: 15 Apr 2024 01:45 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Apr 2024 02:02 PM
Integrate $EARTH into their projects or build on $EARTH
Fundaci贸n Salva Terra has indicated their intention to use $EARTH in their projects to develop innovative solutions against climate change, which demonstrates a commitment to integration of the currency.
Use $EARTH to reward actions within their community that are aligned with our mission - Make anthropogenic climate change history, vision - Seed the Solarpunk paradigm
The application specifies that $EARTH will be used to reward community actions that are in line with environmental missions, which aligns with the goal of making anthropogenic climate change history and supports the Solarpunk paradigm.
Commited to becoming an $EARTH NODE
The project has expressed a clear commitment to becoming an active node in the $EARTH network, contributing to its security and governance.
Creating utility for $EARTH
Fundaci贸n Salva Terra plans to develop applications and tools that add value to the $EARTH community, such as sustainable markets and carbon offset systems, demonstrating a drive to create utility for $EARTH.