Raffaele | Volunteer @Devconnect | Founder @ETHNaples

Raffaele | Volunteer @Devconnect | Founder @ETHNaples

Raffaele, an Ethereum developer from Napoli, is enhancing the Ethereum ecosystem by organizing community events, volunteering, and hosting educational sessions for students.
Applied on: 20 Nov 2023 05:39 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 07:25 PM
Must be accepted by Devconnect and/ or ETHGlobal as a volunteer
The provided description suggests prior volunteer experience, but there is no explicit confirmation of being accepted as a volunteer for the specified event.
Must attend and accomplish the task assigned by the Devconnect and/ or ETHGlobal Team
There is mention of previous volunteering activities and a strong implication of engagement, but there is no definitive evidence provided that the individual attended and accomplished tasks assigned specifically by Devconnect and/or ETHGlobal Team for the upcoming event in question.