Blockchain-agnostic privacy engine using zkSNARKs for various blockchains; open-source, with testnet implementations for EVM, Substrate, NEAR, WAVES; future plans include lightweight recursive proving.User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 02:40 PM
The Grant must be in support of, or directly advancing the ZK tools, libraries, community, or protocols.
ZeroPool's work on their privacy engine using zkSNARKs directly advances ZK tools and protocols.
The Grant should be focused on accomplishing the following for ZK: Usability - improving the user experience of zero-knowledge tools/libraries, not zero-knowledge rollups. This could also be technical education and documentation. Tooling - improving the developer experience or making it easier to develop applications utilizing zero-knowledge proofs or technology. Applications - technical implementations of zero-knowledge proofs and circuits, not simply applications built on top of zero-knowledge roll ups.
ZeroPool is creating a privacy engine to improve usability and developer experiences with ZK proofs, as shown by their technical implementations and educational resources.
The project must have been active in the last 3 months - social media and GitHub.
GitHub data demonstrates that ZeroPool had multiple commits and pull requests across various repositories in the past three months.
The project should have demonstrated either concrete progress, or evidence of a substantive technical roadmap that clarifies how ZK technology will be used and advanced.
ZeroPool has outlined a clear roadmap with concrete future plans such as the integration of a lightweight recursive prover, which shows how they are advancing ZK technology.
The Grant deliverables should be open source.
ZeroPool states that their solution and research are under a fully open source license.
Satisfy the Program General Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements outlined above.
Without further information on the Program General Eligibility Policy, it's unclear if all aspects of that policy are satisfied. More details are needed.