
$3,221.17 crowdfunded from 798 people

$14,997.54 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Blockchain-agnostic privacy engine using zkSNARKs for various blockchains; open-source, with testnet implementations for EVM, Substrate, NEAR, WAVES; future plans include lightweight recursive proving.

ZeroPool is blockchain agnostic privacy engine. Our solution is build on zkSNARKs. We research and create privacy technologies under fully opensource license and you can use it in your products.

EVM, Substrate, NEAR, WAVES implementations are available and live on testnet.

What is under the hood:

  • Fawkes-crypto / Groth16 / Plonk /Poseidon /
  • Solidity / Typescript / Angular / NestJs / RxJSDone:
  • Support of PLONK 2022 Q1

Future Plans:

  • Implementing lightweight recursive prover with delegated zero knowledge proving based on Sangria ( Q2 2023

  • ZkZkRollup Q2-Q3 2023

Check our testnets at

ZeroPool History

  • accepted into ZK Tech Round 1 year ago. 798 people contributed $3,221 to the project, and $14,998 of match funding was provided.

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